Thursday, June 10, 2004

And I ran... ran so far away...

So on a lark I signed up a few months ago along with 20,000 or so other New Yorkers for the Chase Corporate Challenge Central Park Run that happened yesterday-- after all, how tough could 3.5 billable miles be. Now, as I sit at my workstation lifting boxes and sorting documents into their proper folders (yes, I'm actually DOING stuff today, first time since I started blogging really) and feeling my rubbery chicken legs rebel against every movement, I am telling myself for the umpteenth time since it started getting nice outside: I need to get my formerly-athletic ass back into shape. I mean really, I have no excuse. I'm leaving every day at 5:30; it's not like I'm an I-Banker, or more specifically this I-Banker, who's email-documented employment torture brightened my physically crestfallen morning.


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