Wednesday, June 09, 2004

note to self: check this place out (bring crew)

The Delancey (Delancey & Clinton)

A new watering hole has sprung up in my neck of the woods, and judging by the buzz from their opening last week, they throw one hell of a party.
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Nice form, good arm technique and spot-on placement of the left knee. Apparently somebody was paying attention in Bouncer School...
As the story goes, shady Polish management tipped an altercation at their own soiree over some girls sitting in a VIP section without permission. Things escalated (who throws a firecracker in a bar?! I mean really); LES hipster carnage ensued. And what has better draw than carnage? I'll be conducting some on-site investigating as soon as I rally some of my eastern european goon friends for a night on the town.


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